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Writer's pictureKrystal Murray

Self-Improvement in these 4 Areas:

Updated: Apr 17

Mind, Body, Money, and Spirit.


There was a time when my main focus was solely on my spiritual growth.

I had a limited mindset and was completely unaware of it at the time.

I was even studying certain skills that were separate from spiritual growth, yet I wasn't able to attain them because my priority in my mind was only ONE thing.

However, I don't want to be misunderstood.

I believe that our spiritual walk is the most important thing, but it is not the ONLY important thing.

In order for us to reach our full potential, we must approach life from all angles.

Self-development is a great concept that goes beyond just improving your mind.

It means actively taking care of and improving different aspects of your life, such as your mind, body, spirit, finances, and overall well-being.

It's about seeking growth, staying true to yourself, and mastering skills in all these areas.

When you choose to develop yourself, you begin a journey of personal growth and improvement.

It involves investing in yourself, taking on new challenges, and pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone.

It was only when I realized that I was neglecting other essential life skills necessary to become a better version of myself that I began to mature and break free from negative habits and negative self-talk that were hindering my improvement.

While I knew the scriptures and had a strong relationship with God, my relational skills were weak, and my marriage was falling apart due to a lack of emotional and problem-solving skills, as well as basic life skills that everyone should have.

I did take care of my body as far as going to the gym regularly, but yet I wasn't really eating nutritious foods or at least the main meals throughout the day.

My money was alright but I could have had better saving habits and invested more wisely.

So, I began my journey to mature, heal, and mend broken relationships.

Today I can say I've matured tremendously in all of these areas, I'm experiencing healing, and my marriage has been restored, I'm eating better!

I'm not were I would like to be, so my journey has not stopped and it wont.

But neither has my discipline and consistency.

It's about making progress and getting back up with you fall or backtrack.


In the realm of the mind, self-development means expanding what you know, learning new things, and improving your thinking skills.

It's about always looking for chances to learn and grow intellectually, like reading, going to workshops, or having deep conversations.

Just like a car can get dirty and cluttered with things like toys, wrappers, and pine needles brought in from outside, our minds can also get cluttered.

How much more crucial is it to take care of our minds than our cars.

Be mindful of what you allow into your mind.

And data dump what shouldn't be there.

Make it a point to learn about things that will benefit you, not just entertain you.

And be willing to unlearn all that this world has taught you, especially if the thoughts you've learned along your life's journey hinder your growth mindset.

Remember, your thoughts affect your feelings, and your feelings affect your actions. If you have negative thoughts, you're more likely to act negatively.


Taking care of your body is just as important in self-development.

It means focusing on your physical health by exercising regularly, eating nutritious food, and practicing self-care.

I sometimes find it hard to motivate myself to get to the gym, but once I'm there and have started my workout, turned on some music, I remember how much I actually enjoy it.

How I feel when I leave the gym is worth it alone - confident, energized, strong, and accomplished.

Self-care can look like going for a light walk, making yourself a nutritious smoothie, shopping for cute outfits to exercise in so you can feel confident and motivated.

Self-care to me is not self maintenance, like getting your nails done or your hair, those are nice things to do, I do those things.

But, self-care to me is more intentional, meaningful, involving motivational steps that contribute to my overall growth and self-development.

Self-Care is Self-Improvement.

What are those things that you can do that with benefit you in the long run?

What are those things that if you did them, you would feel like you just crushed it?

What are those things that if you don't start now, you will regret later?

Do those things!

This is how we start to build habits.

I know you don't feel like doing them, but ask yourself how you will feel if you don't.

Is it worth feeling like that everyday?

Wishing you would have did what you said you wanted to do the day before?

Discipline sucks, yes, but it's the only way to see some real changes.

And consistency brings all the good feelings you are desiring to feel.

So you need both discipline and consistency.

By adopting healthy habits into your life, you not only improve your physical well-being but also increase your energy, productivity, confidence and overall quality of life.


Taking care of your money is also an important part of self-improvement.

It means building good money habits, setting financial goals, and making smarter choices to make sure you have a secure future for yourself and your family, or your future family.

When you manage your money well, you feel less stressed, have more stability, and feel a sense of accomplishment because you're creating better saving and spending habits.

You'll think in terms of separating your wants from your needs.

If you think about it, this is an act of Love. For yourself and others. (All of this is)

When you improve your financial situation, you can better support those around you in a healthy way.

Managing your money also means being a good steward and considering the financial security of your loved ones, especially your children, in terms of their future.

Everything is so expensive these days and so we cannot afford to be without money-management skills.

Start off by simply grabbing a notebook and list all of your financial obligations, such as bills, rent, phone expenses, desired monthly savings, and groceries.

Then, create a realistic plan that is easy for you to follow.

Remember, discipline and consistency are key.

Imagine how it will feel once you become a responsible adult, set goals, and start making progress towards achieving them.


Finally, and most importantly, self-development also involves nurturing your spirit and cultivating inner peace and fulfillment through your relationship with God.

This can be achieved through practices such as prayer, mindfulness, the reading of scriptures, practicing gratitude, declarations and self-examination.

By re-connecting with your true self, and I believe your true self is who God created you to be, you can gain clarity, strength, and a deeper understanding of your goals, priorities and purpose in your life.

Cultivating your spiritual growth and relationship with God is, in my humble opinion, the final puzzle piece that completes the entire picture.

Without that piece, you are a highly attractive and even intellectual individual yet you still have a void that needs to be filled.

That puzzle piece is Jesus.

Jesus fills that void.

I want to acknowledge that I'm addressing believers who have already accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

If you haven't accepted Him into your life yet, and haven't repented of your sins and put your faith in Jesus, then that is the first step to growing in your relationship with Him.

Once you've done that, you can revisit what I'm suggesting about nurturing your spirit in relation to God.

Discipline and Consistency is the theme in all of this.

Personal development, self-improvement, growth, whatever you prefer to call it.

We cannot acquire new skills, grow, or change our habits without being willing to incorporate discipline and consistency.

You have to take responsibility for your own growth and do it for yourself, by yourself.

Having support is great, but don't rely too heavily on others.

Dependency on someone else for personal growth or to change your emotional state is a sign of codependence.

It is our own responsibility to take care of ourselves holistically.

Trust me, you'll thank your past self later. :)

Let's do this!

Let's begin on this awesome journey of self-development and faith together.

Let's fully commit to taking care of our minds, bodies, spirits, finances, and lives.

Let's strive for growth, authenticity, and constant improvement without hesitation.

Lastly, let's always keep in mind the reasons why we're doing this for ourselves.

God Bless you.

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